Development and treatment of personality Disorders – Integrative and TA approach with Ravi Welch and Aleksandra Bubera Ninić

April 4th-6th 2025, Serbia, Belgrade,

“Miljenko Dereta” event space, Dobračina 55

There is an increase of people with Personality Disorders in the general population in the new Generations.

And that is why this topic is very important for everyone who works within mental health filed, because an increasing number of users of mental health services are diagnosed also with personality disorders, as well as a growing number of users of these services, who are affected directly or indirectly by the consequences of relationships with people suffering from personality disorders.

There are many hypotheses why the prevalence of these disorders 70 years ago was around 5%, while now it is increasing to as much as 15-20%, and the number of people diagnosed with Personality Disorders has increased dramatically in the last 30 years.

The purpose of this workshop is twofold:

*to give attendees an idea of the development of the Personality Disorders with possible causes that are developmental, and

*to give an opportunity to work actively on their own experiences with clients in the form of supervision, role plays and discussions.

The workshop, being based on Integrative Psychotherapy and Transactional Analysis,

will live from the dialog and relationship that we will establish with each other;

as Carl Rogers said: “it is the relationship that heals….

to this the German Psychiatrist Tilmann Moser added: ….disciplined through the Method.”

So we will work within the relationship using the theory and methods of the psychotherapeutic schools.

All professionals in the field of mental health are welcome to the workshop: psychotherapists of all therapeutic schools/directions, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, special pedagogues, but also all those who are being educated for professions and work in the field of mental health.

The work will be distributed for all three days as follows:

10.00÷11.30 work

11.30÷11.45 coffee break

11.45÷13.15 work

13.15÷14.15 lunch

14.15÷15.45 work

15.45÷16.00 coffee break

16.00÷17.30 work

17.30÷18.00 end of the day

The price of this three-day workshop is 300€ (36.000-din).

The price of the workshop includes lunch and two coffee breaks on all three days of the workshop.

Workshop will be in English language with non-professional consecutive translation (you can find details on consecutive translation here) to Serbian language by colleagues who are in psychotherapy education.

Handouts, the author’s PowerPoint presentation and the video recording of the seminar (if there will be ones) are not included in the price of the seminar.

The workshop is submitted to the Serbian Medical Chamber (for physicians)  for accreditation as a CE in January application term

How to apply:

Document “Application for the workshop Development and treatment of personality disorders – Integrative and TA approach” can be downloaded below

PLEASE note that you have to save downloaded document as .docx document, because in that format you will be able to just simply fill in needed answers in predetermined fields

Fill in the document and send it to and you will receive a confirmation of your application.

The deadline for applications is March 10th, 2025. Please register as soon as possible so that we can confirm the seminar.

The payment should be made within 7 days from the confirmation of the seminar (we will send the confirmation and payment instructions after we have received enough applications for the seminar to be held).

The application will be considered completed after the payment has been made.

Previous workshops held by Ravi Welch:

Ravi Welch, psychologist and integrative psychotherapist, held a plenary lecture entitled: “Increase of personality disorders & the breakdown of individual attachment in post-war socialization”

War socialization) at the XI congress of psychotherapists of Serbia “Brave new world”.

The XI Congress of Psychotherapists of Serbia was held from October 28 to 31, 2021, organized by the Serbian Union of Associations for Psychotherapy – SUAP and the plenary lecture was held in cooperation with the National Association for Transactional Analysis of Serbia – NATAS and you can watch it here

Ravi Welch, among other things, at the very beginning of his career, even before enrolling in psychology studies, worked at the Cathexis Institute, within the program for future trainees, with patients suffering from severe mental disorders.

Online workshop on the topic: “Introduction to the treatment of psychosis using Transactional Analysis” Organized by NATAS and SUAP, was held on October 24, 2021. The workshop was free, as it was generously donated by Ravi Welch, and it was held as a pre-congress activity of the XI SUAP Congress.

Psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers and other mental health professionals,

psychotherapists and students of various psychotherapy approaches were invited to apply for this seminar. About 400 participants took part in this two-hour workshop and gave it an excellent evaluation (you can view the evaluation results and the workshop in its entirety here).

Ravi Welch held two more seminars organized by NATAS:

“Psychological development – normal and psychotic development viewed through the theory of reparenting and affective attachment” which you can read here and

“Psychodynamic and reparenting treatment of psychosis” which you can read about here

On these pages you can also find a link to order recordings, if you missed those seminars.

Each subsequent workshop is based on the previous one, so it is recommended to watch to all three, but it is possible to follow them separately.

Ravi Welch was born in the United States, and he is half Indian and half American. His parents were Christian missionaries in India and came every few years for additional education in the United States. They were both Transaction Analysts and have organized help centers in India and trained professionals in clinical work and counseling with people who have suffered. His father was a psychologist and theologian, and his mother was a social worker. Ravi says that he grew up with the language and concepts of Transactional Analysis and that he thought that all other people speak exclusively in that language. At the age of 15, he met Jackie Schiff, and at the age of 16, he received an official invitation from the board of the Cathexis Institute in California to join their team. He accepted the invitation and during his stay in California at the University of Berkeley he completed his undergraduate studies in psychology and a master’s degree in research psychology, and spent the rest of his time working with the Jackie Schiff team at the Cathexis Institute with patients with severe mental disorders. He also met his future wife there, so they moved to Germany together and have lived and worked there ever since. He trained future professionals in the field of mental health at the university to work with the reparenting approach, at the invitation of the German government.

In addition to Transactional Analysis at Jackie Schiff School, he also studied Hypnotherapy with Milton Erickson, Body Psychotherapy with Alexander Loven, Matt Redington and David Fenstermaker.

He is an integrative psychotherapist who applies the theoretical and practical settings of Integrative Psychotherapy and all other therapeutic directions based on a relational approach.

He is also a Zen Buddhism teacher and works with the connection between psychology and the development of the mind and research that deals with what happens to the mind when we practice meditative techniques. He teaches about therapeutic communities at the Faculty of Social Work and Special Education at the Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, and works with patients in private psychotherapy practice.

you can find here

Cancellation Policy:
I) If the organizer(s) cancel the seminar due to force majeure (force majeure – epidemic, war, earthquake and other natural disasters, border closure for any reason, demonstrations, fire, etc.) and/or changed circumstances that could not be objectively influenced (clausula rebus sic stantibus – illness, injury, death of lecturer, plane delay, etc.) – as a corrective to the principle of pacta sunt servanda, the cancellation policy is as follows, taking into account that the organizer debits the supplier, and the non-refundable part of the payment is:
• cancellation of the seminar before March 9th, 2025: €50 (6.000-din)
• cancellation of the seminar on March 9 th, 2025 and later: €90 (10.200-din)
II) If the participant cancels participation in the seminar, the cancellation policy is as follows, taking into account that the organizer is in debt with the supplier, and the non-refundable part of the payment is:
• cancellation of participation before March 1st, 2025: €150 (18.000-din)
• cancellation of participation from March 1st ÷ March 15th, 2025: €200 (24.000-din)
• cancellation of participation after March 15th, 2025: €300 (36.000-din)
• payment is transferable to another participant only if the participant who had canceled can provide a replacement participant (all bank costs and bank transfer fees, if any, are borne by the participant who canceled)

Image by wal_172619 from Pixabay


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